Iran: Christian convert released on bail still faces charges

Publication Date: 2/2/2023

Source: Middle East Concern

On 28 January Anahita (Anna) Khademi, the wife of pastor Abdolreza (Matthias) Haghnejad was released on bail of 180 million tomans (approximately US $4,000). She still faces charges, including “propaganda against the system” and “disturbing public opinion.”

On 3 January 2023 Anna was summoned to intelligence offices in Bandar Azali for questioning, where she was arrested, then transferred to Rasht.

Anna’s husband, Matthias, arrested with two other Christian converts at a Christmas celebration in Bandar Anzali on 26 December 2022, remains detained in Lakan Prison in Rasht after being transferred from Anzali prison.

Matthias is serving a six-year sentence handed down in 2014 on national security charges which had been successfully appealed. However, in January 2022 the judicial head of the court in Karaj overruled the appeal, describing Matthias as an enemy of the state, and upheld the 2014 sentence. He was re-arrested in December 2022 while on leave from prison and serving the local house church.


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